Международный конгресс "Экономика стран Евразии"

Международная конференция «Экономика стран Евразии»

11-13 октября 2012 года – Алматы, КАЗАХСТАН


Paper ID : 386
Status : Paper published
Language :
Topic :
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Faruk Andaç
Session : 1D Mikroekonomi I

Entrepreneurship within the Concept of a Social State
Sosyal Devlet Anlayışı İçinde Girişimcilik


Even if the social state concept is considered as a barrier to entrepreneurship, it is in fact a form of state government that encourages entrepreneurship. Social State, first of all, is a form of state that provides social welfare of society, social justice and social peace in the society. Entrepreneurship is generally introduced as a process including more risk-taking, innovation that is open to modernism, activities such as opportunity assessment. In fact, entrepreneurship comprises all of the activities including business continuity, sustainability, development and expansion. Accordingly, entrepreneurship is not only to establish a business, but also to develop and change it. Thus, entrepreneurship requires stability, continuity and practice. Entrepreneurs may unavoidably face some political, economic, social, military, financial obstacles that can not be anticipated. In such cases, entrepreneurs must be able to overcome the obstacles at the least possible costs. An entrepreneur is able to sustain his activities in a confident and stable manner in the spirit of the social state.

JEL codes: M38

Andaç, Faruk (2012). "Entrepreneurship within the Concept of a Social State" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2012, pp.366-368, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C03.00386

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Секция 1D: Mikroekonomi I

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