Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Kongresi

Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı

24-25 Ağustos 2021 – İstanbul, TÜRKİYE ve ONLINE

Bildiri özellikleri

Paper ID : 2516
Status : Paper published
Language : Türkçe
Topic : Finans ve Finansal Krizler
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Kamil Uslu
Session : 0A Opening Session

The Effects of COVID-19 Global Crisis on Production, Employment, Trade and Tourism Revenues in the Macro Economy
COVID-19 Küresel Krizin Üretim, İstihdam, Ticaret ve Turizm Gelirleri Üzerindeki Makroekonomik Etkileri


The world, very different from the 1929 Economic Crisis, the global economy faced a new epidemic health crisis with Covid-19 in China's Wuhan Province in December 2019.This crisis, unlike any other, still continues. The epidemic was originally detected in those found in the seafood and animal market in this region. Later, it threatens the whole world by transmitting from person to person. Countries were quick to stop the economic life with the great global lockdown in order to overcome the Health Emergency. Great uncertainty has overshadowed the future of the global economy as international financial institutions (such as the WB and IMF) are moving fast to help people and countries. Governments have been able to hold back some of the free fall of global growth with exceptional monetary and financial support to individuals and firms. This financial support reached a global level of $ 11.5 trillion as of September 2020. The purpose of our study; Covid-19 Global Crisis; Its Effects on Macroeconomics on Production, Employment, Trade and Tourism Incomes will be investigated. In addition, WHO and countries have been accelerated in search of a solution to the epidemic.

JEL codes: I10, E24, F01

Uslu, Kamil (2021). "The Effects of COVID-19 Global Crisis on Production, Employment, Trade and Tourism Revenues in the Macro Economy" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2021, pp.1-29, Istanbul, TURKEY and ONLINE.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C13.02516

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Oturum 0A: Opening Session

Avrasya Ekonomistler Derneği İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi Doğuş Üniversitesi Kırgız-Türk Manas Üniversitesi