Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Kongresi

Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı

24-25 Ağustos 2021 – İstanbul, TÜRKİYE ve ONLINE

Bildiri özellikleri

Paper ID : 2521
Status : Paper submitted to journal
Language : Türkçe
Topic : Mikroekonomi ve Girişimcilik
Presenter: Ph.D. candidate Sevcan Pınar
Session : 6C Girişimcilik

A Research on Leading Individual Values of Managers in the Paternalistic Leadership Behaviors During the Period of COVID-19
Babacan Liderlik Davranışlarında Yöneticilerin Öne Çıkan Bireysel Değerlerinin COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde İncelenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma


Under the uncertain conditions of the Covid 19 period, the differences in the way of doing business affected the leadership behaviors of the managers. The concept of paternalistic leadership is also a leadership behavior studied in the relevant literature and stated to exist in our culture. Paternalistic leadership is a form of leadership that combines executives' employees with sweet-hardness and paternal authority in the literature. In some studies, it is stated that the organizations in Turkey are becoming less hierarchical and collectivist, thus showing similarities with the Western businesses in terms of their business practices, and differing from these businesses in terms of values. This difference can be explained by the managers' individual values directing their behavior. The aim of the research is to examine whether the framework of Schwartz’s individual values have an effect on the paternalistic leadership behaviors of managers within. In the research, 506 managers working in different sectors were reached and the data obtained were analyzed with the SPSS 23.0 program by directing the questionnaire questions consisting of 3 parts. The research findings were evaluated by correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. Within the framework of the study, a significant and positive effect of managers' individual values of conservation, self-transcendence and openness to change have been found on paternalistic leadership behaviors and the effect of self-enhancement on paternalistic leadership is insignificant. It is thought that Schwartz’s individual values will contribute to the literature due to the first examination of the effect on paternalistic leadership.

JEL codes: D23, M10

Özet (PDF)

Oturum 6C: Girişimcilik

Avrasya Ekonomistler Derneği İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi Doğuş Üniversitesi Kırgız-Türk Manas Üniversitesi