Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Kongresi

Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı

2-4 Eylül 2020 – Bakü - AZERBAYCAN

Bildiri özellikleri

Paper ID : 2466
Status : Paper published
Language : Türkçe
Topic : Finans ve Finansal Krizler
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Nükhet Hotar
Presentation Location : Online
Session : 0A Opening Session

Covid-19 and its Effects on Work Life
Çalışma Hayatına Etkisi Açısından Covid-19 Salgını


Covid-19 which emerged in Wuhan province of China, evolved into a global pandemic within a short time has had social and economic effects besides its influence on public health. Research has shown that during the pandemic, besides health sector, manufacturing, tourism and education sectors have been affected adversely. In addition to its sectoral repercussions, the changes it has caused on working life should also be taken into consideration. In parallel with the practices in many other countries, our country has taken measures in order to slow down the spread of the virus and the to minimize the number of employees in the same working place such as distance working and rotated working in public and private sectors and etc. Due to physical isolation requirements during the pandemic period, individuals have got to know new practices and concepts such as virtual shopping, distance education and have tried to adapt themselves to them. Individuals who actively take part in working life have also been encountered with concepts such as distance working and rotated working. All foundation and enterprises have strived for taking the measures of hygiene stipulated by the public authority while trying to ensure the adaptation process takes place with efficiency and without loss of workforce. In both public and private sectors, online meetings, conferences and activities etc. and non-spatial life style and working system have become a part of individuals’ lives. This study is aimed at coming up with a future projection by handling the effects of COVID-19 pandemic has caused on working life.

JEL codes: H00

Hotar, Nükhet (2020). "Covid-19 and its Effects on Work Life" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2020, pp.9-15, Baku - AZERBAIJAN.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C12.02466

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Oturum 0A: Opening Session

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