Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Kongresi

Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Konferansı

17-18 Eylül 2013 – St. Petersburg, RUSYA

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Paper ID : 815
Status : Paper published
Language : Rusça
Topic : Büyüme ve Gelişme
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Damira Japarova
Session : 6D Экономический рост и развитие

The Public and Private Health Sectors in Kyrgyzstan and Prospects for their Cooperation
Государственный и частный сектор в системе здравоохранения Кыргызстана и перспектива их сотрудничества


The public sector does not provide funding for the program of state guarantees. Private sector where high levels of profitability and higher prices. The purpose of public-private partnerships in health care – the preservation and improvement of the health status of the population. In Kyrgyzstan, the investment in health infrastructure of the state are planned. The private investor can build a building and provide meals for patients as required by the hospital. Require opening a public-private laboratories for urgent tests at each hospital and clinic. To finance the public-private partnership in the health sector can be used in co-financing, guarantee the payment rate for OMS services.

JEL codes: I15, I18

Japarova, Damira (2013). "The Public and Private Health Sectors in Kyrgyzstan and Prospects for their Cooperation" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2013, pp.1050-1055, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C04.00815

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Oturum 6D: Экономический рост и развитие

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